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Friday, September 24, 2010

Starcraft 2 Cheats List

In the tradition of the original Starcraft game, cheat codes for Starcraft 2 exist.

Starcraft2 Cheat Notes:
-Starcraft 2 Cheats work on all the supported platforms (Windows, Mac)
-SC2 cheats can only be activated in single player mode.

Warning: Using the cheats in Starcraft2 disables ACHIEVEMENTS.

How to use the Starcraft 2 single player hacks:

Just press "ENTER" then type the exact cheat codes then press "ENTER" to activate them.
To disable, do the same process given above. Repeating it, deactivates the cheats.

Without much further ado, the goodies:

Starcraft 2 Cheat Codes

1) whysoserious
Cheat Effect: Gives you 5 Billion Credits.

2) stroaksmolts
Cheat Effect: Gives you 5000 minerals.

3) realmendrilldeep
Cheat Effect: Gives you 5000 Gas.

4) smoldersbolds
Cheat Effect: Gives you 5000 minerals and 5000 Gas.

5) moredotsmoredots
Cheat Effect: Build units for free!

6) terribleterribledamage
Cheat Effect: Activates god mode. Immortality for your units.

7) jaynestown
Cheat Effect: Gets you terrazine.

8) sawnoutofmemory
Cheat Effect: Disables fog of war. Free Starcraft 2 map hack!

9) sosayweall
Cheat Effect: Disables tech tree requirements.

10) eyeofsauron
Cheat Effect: Watch cutscenes. Works only outside missions.

11) iamironman
Cheat Effect: Gives free +1 weapon, armor and shield upgrades.

12) hanshotfirst
Cheat Effect: Disables cooldown of abilities.

13) mintmansoperator
Cheat Effect: Disables food and PSI requirements. Additional supply depots not required.

14) fsbcomunicacion
Cheat Effect: Medics heal faster.

15) overengineeredcodpiece
Cheat Effect: Plays "Terran Up The Night" - Starcraft 2 version of Radio Free Zerg.

16) cadeasygoin
Cheat Effect: Lose the current mission.

17) cmethodfeedback
Cheat Effect: Wins the current mission.

18) qrotero
Cheat Effect: Disable time of the day in SC2.

19) ypoonsvoicemail
Cheat Effect: Disables defeat conditions.

20) tyuhasleft the game
Cheat Effect: Disables victory conditions. Leavers!

Feel free to print this Star Craft cheat sheet and show it to your friends.

Got any additional Starcraft cheats?
Share it with us by posting a comment below.

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